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How to Make A Wooden Photo Sign

Photo Sign

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Are you looking for a cool way to display photos at your wedding? Or even for an easy DIY project to hang up photos of your kids? If so, look no further then this project.  In this post, I will teach you how to make a wooden photo sign.  If you like this project, then be sure to check out our other how-to posts (Wooden Wedding Sign and Unique Notebook).

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Materials Needed

Materials Needed
Materials needed to make this project.

To make this project you will need:

CraftEaze also sells a kit to make this project.  You can find our kit here.


Step 1: Paint the wooden panel with the white chalk paint.  You will need to apply 2 coats.

White chalk paint

Step 2: While the chalk paint dries, determine the saying you would like on the sign. Here are a few examples for a wedding:

  • Once upon a time… And they lived happily ever after.
  • Love is patient, love is kind
  • God bless the broken road, that led me to you
  • If heaven wasn’t so far away.

Step 3: After the paint dries, you will trace the saying onto the board using an ink pen and stencil.

Stencil and Pen

Saying complete
This is what the sign should look like after tracing the saying.

Step 4: Paint inside the traced lines. You will want to connect the different parts of the letters (like the base of the L to the verticle part of the L).

Fill in between the line of the outline

Step 5: After you finish painting the letters, allow the paint to dry.  Below is what my photo signed looked like after painting the letters.

Paint drying again

Step 6: After the paint dries, you will determine the amount of twine needed for the sign.  The amount will depend on how much slack you would like. You will need several extra inches to glue the twine to the back of the sign.

twine length

Step 7: Glue the ends of the twine to the back of the sign using the hot glue gun.

glue twine


Step 8: Allow the hot glue to cool. The hot glue dot should look like the image below.  You will need to hold the twine into the glue until it well joined.

hot glue

Step 9: After the glue dries, you can flip it over and add the photo to the sign using the clothespins.

Hang the photos


Hope you enjoy making this craft!

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