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La Vieille Ferme Rosé Wine Review

La Vieille Ferme Rose Wine Review

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Rosé is a wine that is very drinkable in the summer. I think it is because it is great to drink chilled. It is the perfect wine to drink while laying by a pool. Can’t you imagine an extremely attractive man bringing you a glass of rose while reading the latest summer fiction bestseller laying by the pool? I sure can.

This rosé is no exception. I was drawn to this particular bottle tonight because of the chickens on the label. When a bottle has a fun label, I am always willing to try it. I purchased it at my local grocery store, but according to Google, you may be able to buy it at Target. So next time you are roaming around Target, check out the wine section to see if they have this wine! You can also purchase a bottle of this wine from wine.com.

I enjoyed this wine. It had a strawberry flavor and was very drinkable. It was a little on the dryer side, but I think it would pair well with chickens or a Caprese salad. When I think of a poolside cabana, this is the type of wine I imagine that I am drinking. However, tonight I drank a glass in my stemless wine glass while watching an old episode of Greek. There is no pool nearby, but I hear there is a lot of flooding going on since it won’t stop raining!


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