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50 States Blanket Pattern – Part 1

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Back in 2019, I made a chart for all 50 states in the United States for the CraftEaze American Experience book. I initially made a few throw pillows for some silent auctions and orders, but I really only tested the states of Ohio, Missouri, and Louisana. So when I was furloughed from my job in 2020 due to the pandemic, I got bored and decided to try every state chart. In the process, I discovered the ultimate yarn stash buster project.

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So for this project, I will be sharing the pattern in 10 sections with 5 states in each section. If you would like to buy a printable version of the pattern without waiting for each post, you can buy the pattern here in our Etsy pattern shop. The instructions are also in the newest edition of the CraftEaze American Experience book. This book comes in Kindle, paperback, and now there is even a hardback option.

For this project you will need the following items:

This project is a good project to learn how to read a chart. Each state is in a block that is 40 stitches wide and 40 rows tall. They also only consist of 2 colors: the background color and the main color (aka the state color). It also uses only the single crochet stitch. You can also use these charts using the corner to corner method.

This project will make a mega blanket! My finished blanket was about the size of a twin bed. However, you don’t have to just use these charts for the blanket, you can use them to make throw pillows, wall hangings, or anything else you can think of.

The first 5 states will be posted tomorrow. I hope you are excited to make this fun and colorful yarn buster project.

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