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12 Gifts For The Person Who Loves Crafts

12 Gift Ideas For Craft Lovers

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Christmas will be here before you know it, and that means its time to go holiday shopping. I enjoy trying to find gifts for my friends and family members that I know they will love.  I like to find everyone on my list a gift that they wouldn’t necessarily buy themselves, but something that they would use.  For example, last year I got my mom a pi pie pan that had several digits of pi on the bottom of the pan.  I also got my sister and brother-in-law a game to play with their friends on game night or at parties.

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In this post, I will go over the 12 perfect gifts for the craft lover in your life. The reason that there are 12 gifts is the 12 days of Christmas.  Unlike the 12 days of Christmas, this list consists of zero birds (unless you count amigurumi)!

1. Yarn Bowl

A yarn bowl is the perfect gift for the crocheter or knitter in your life. This bowl will keep the ball of yarn you are using in a container that also feeds the yarn to you.  The bowl can keep the ball of yarn from rolling all over the living room. It can also act as a holder for your project.  You can find some really cute yarn bowls on Etsy like this Ravenclaw bowl.

2. Fun Crochet Books

Christmas is also the perfect time to buy a loved one a fun book of crochet patterns. You can buy a book that they may not typically buy themselves.  Some possible ideas are books for Amigurumi (small animals or objects) or a book full of fun modern patterns.

3. Knitting Needle and Crochet Hook Organizer

I have crochet hooks and knitting needles scattered all over the 1st floor of my house.  I’m sure other people have the same problem.  A portable needle and hook organizer would be the perfect solution that not only looks cute but is also functional.

 4. Cricut

So on Black Friday, I bought a Cricut online from Wal-Mart.  My only regret is not buying this months ago!  It is so much fun to use and so far it has been easy to use.  Last night my fiancée and I learned how to make vinyl stickers. I see us using this machine a lot in the future ranging from stickers to personalize our Yeti tumblers to making bumper stickers for our friends to wedding decor.  I am really excited for my Cricut! It would be the perfect gift for the person in your life that like to scrapbook, make paper crafts, signs, or even things made out of felt.

5. Crochet Monthly Subscription

Christmas Box

Another idea for the person who loves to crochet would be a subscription to a monthly subscription box.  CraftEaze has a special holiday subscription with 3-12 month option. The first box will be shipped immediately after purchase and the project will be gift wrapped. This way it can be placed right under the tree.  We also have another year-long subscription box which is a corner to corner mystery project.  You can find this project here and it will begin in January.

6. Cricut Accessories

If the person you love already has a Cricut, you can always buy them accessories for their machines.  There are some variety packs of mats.  Until I bought my cricket, I didn’t know that you needed different mats depending on the material.  Like fabric uses a different mat the paper.  You can also get them a set of tools that they can use with the Cricut that includes scissors and a weeding tool. If they are wanting to learn how to make t-shirt, you can buy them an Easy Press.

7. Learn How To Knit or Crochet Kit

If you have a young cousin, child, niece, or nephew that you would like to get into knitting or crochet, then this kit is for you.  This fuzzy knitting kit comes with yarn that is in fun, kid-friendly colors with plastic knitting needles and patterns. This is a crochet version that includes the yarn, a plastic hook, and patterns.  Both are perfect kits to introduce young kids to the yarn crafts.

8. Candle Making Kit

 Maybe the person who loves crafts in your life has been talking about making candles recently.  Like maybe they have been dropping hints like “It would be cool to learn how to make a candle” or “Why can’t an evergreen candle come in purple?”.  This kit comes with everything you would need to make a colorful scented candle.

9. Adult Coloring Books

I know it may sound cheesy, but adult coloring books are a great tool for relaxation!  These books are perfect for a stocking stuffers.  There are so many cool adult coloring books on the market these days ranging from Disney coloring books and Harry Potter coloring books to curse word color booking. Just don’t forget to buy the recipient a set of color pencils.

10. Jewelry Making Kit

Maybe the person you are shopping for enjoys essential oils.  Why not get them a kit to teach your loved one how to make jewelry that doubles as an essential oil diffuser?

11. Soap Making Kit

If you have a child that you want to get into crafting but also provide a fun science experiment, then you should look into buying a soap making kit.  This soap making kit is not only easy to use but also teaches the child about the science behind the process along with the history.  So if anyone asks, you are helping teach the child about new things!

12. Tote For Their Crafts

One thing I always wish I have more of is a tote to carry my crafts from point A to point B.  I’m sure other people have the same issue where they can’t find a good tote or bag to hold their project.  There are so many cute totes out there.  I’m sure you can find a design that fits that special someone’s personality.

Hope you are able to find the perfect gift for the craft lover in your life!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!

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