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Wine Advent Calendar Part 4

Final Wines for Advent

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We are approaching the end of the CraftEaze Wine Advent Calendar.  It has been a fun couple of weeks, but its finally time to finish the Advent calendar.  Today, I will go over the wines for December 18-24.  Below are the links for the first 17 wines, just in case you missed them.  This week we will have a couple of sparkling wines highlighted since Christmas is so close!

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These wines would be perfect to drink while watching the Hallmark Channel or Netflix.  Here is the official Hallmark Channel Christmas movie line-up.  These wines would also be perfect to drink while you work on some last minute Christmas gifts.  A perfect quick gift idea that you can make for a friend or family member would be these boot cuffs or this laptop sleeve.

 December 18 – Peaks & Tides Cabernet Sauvignon

This is a red wine that can be picked up at Aldi.  So with that said it is fairly inexpensive, but also tasty.  This is a dry wine that would be perfect to serve with beef, lamb, or poultry.  You can smell blueberries and currents with a hint of caramel and cherries.

December 19 – Arosa Sparkling Moscato Rosé

Christmas is only 6 days away! Since it is less than a week away, I felt it is only appropriate to highlight a sparkling wine.  This is a sweet sparkling rosé that can be bought at Aldi.  The Sparkling Moscato Rosé has a nice strawberry flavor and would be perfect to enjoy while watching The Santa Clause.

Christmas Box
Our special holiday edition of the crochet subscription box.

December 20 – Villanella Pinot Grigio

This white wine would be great to serve with a nice seafood or pasta dinner.  It has a peach and apple flavor that is refreshing. The pinot grigio can be bought at Aldi.  This would be perfect to drink as you watch Christmas with the Kranks and try to come up with a way to free Frosty.

December 21 – Winking Owl White Zinfandel

Today is the first day of winter and also it happens to be Friday! This is one of the best Fridays of the year because for many people it is the start of Christmas vacation or an extremely long weekend.  To celebrate the start to this long weekend, have a glass of this white zinfandel.  This white zinfandel is sweet and has a cranberry flavor that could be enjoyed with a salad or an Asian dinner.  You can find this wine at Aldi.

December 22 -Dancing Flame Red Blend

This red wine is from Chile.  It tastes like blackberry and cherry and has a slight hint of spice.  This wine would be perfect to drink with a steak dinner or pasta.

December 23 -Moiselle Moscato

This is one of my favorite Aldi wine. It is sweet and easy to drink.  I love to drink this while working on a craft project. I think it has a peach and honey flavor.  This wine also pairs well with Mexican food or dessert.

December 24 -Grandi Mori Valdobbiadene Prosecco

Today is Christmas Eve! Hopefully, you have all of your gifts wrapped and under the tree.  To celebrate the end of Advent, have a glass of this prosecco.  This wine is dry but is very easy to drink.  It smells of honeysuckles and pear.  Go ahead and buy two bottles of this wine, because you can use one bottle for mimosa to severe tomorrow at your Christmas morning brunch.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!!

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