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Wine Review – Middle Sister Moscato

Middle Sister Moscato Wine Review

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One of my favorite grocery store wine finds recently was the Middle Sister Moscato.  I had a rough week at work and my boyfriend was out of town for the weekend, so I went to the grocery store to buy a bottle of wine and food to eat so I wouldn’t have to leave the house all weekend.

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As I was wondering the wine aisle, this particular bottle stood out to me. I was initially drawn to the purple metal capsule, but then I noticed the sassy looking stick figure and the name of the wine. After seeing this stick figure and that the wine was called Sweet and Sassy, I thought this is a wine I have to try!

This wine is a sweeter wine, but not too sweet. You can drink it with dessert or while crafting and watching Netflix.  It is one of my go-to Moscatos.  I think it is the perfect amount of sweet.  I can taste peach and slight pears. It smells very floral in addition to the fruit taste.  I have enjoyed this wine with a cookie and also cheese and crackers.  It is also good with spicy foods. I have had it while eating Chipotle take out and it was pretty tasty.

If you would like to try the Middle Sister Moscato, check out https://www.middlesisterwines.com/find-wines to find stores that carry it near you.  You can also purchase a bottle at Wine.com if you wanted to order from the comfort of your own home.

Be sure to check out our other wine reviews:

~Crafts, Wine, and Netflix~

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