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Wine Review – California Roots Moscato

Target Moscato

This month’s wine review is for a Moscato.  I like Moscato wines because they are sweeter and are very tasty as you watch a movie on Netflix.  This month’s wine suggestion with the CraftEaze crochet subscription box is the California Roots Moscato.

The California Roots is a wine brand that is found only at Target.  I have spent a lot of time and money at Target. It has only gotten worse since they added the Hearth and Hand product line. I love watching Fixer Upper and its so much fun going through the Hearth and Hand section.  Joanna Gaines style matches mine pretty well.  I have also been on this organization kick the last few months, so I have been going to Target to find things to help with organizing my house.  I really like their wooden cube storage units with the fabric boxes. It’s an easy way to add a splash of color to my home office.

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What is nice about the California Roots wine is that it is only about $5.  The California Roots Moscato has a fruity aroma. I taste peaches and melons as I sip this wine.  I most recently enjoyed this wine after cleaning my living room while binge watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix. The bottle has a bear on it, what more can you ask for!

So next time that you are wondering around Target, and let’s be honest that will probably be in the next week or so, pick up a bottle.

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