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Binge Worthy Netflix – Hart of Dixie

Are you looking for your next Netflix series? I don’t know about you, but I always have a hard time deciding what to watch next when I finish a series on Netflix. Sometimes the shows Netflix suggests you watch next are busts, but other times they really are hits. A few years back I had finished a series, and Netflix suggested Hart of Dixie. This is one of the times that Netflix was really spot on with their suggestion.

Hart of Dixie aired on the CW station. It was a romantic comedy/drama show that aired for four seasons. The first episode starts at a medical school graduation where we meet the main character, Zoey Hart. Zoey meets this old man who tells her if she ever needs a job, that she is more then welcome to join his practice in Bluebell, Alabama.  However, Zoey really wants to be a cardio-thoracic surgeon like her dad and loves her New York lifestyle. Her dreams come crashing down, and she decides to take the old man up on his offer. She moves down to Bluebell, Alabama.

Source: imbd.com

As soon as Zoey gets to Bluebell, she realizes that she doesn’t really fit in. The old man who offered her the job had died. The other doctor, Brick, seems to hate her, and his daughter, Lemon, see Zoey as a threat and treats her as such. There is a cute lawyer, George, who she is interested in, but soon finds out that he is dating Lemon.  Her only friends are the nurse at the practice, the nurse’s niece, and a former football player who just happens to be the mayor, Lavon.  Lavon allows her to live in his guest house, but she has to put up with Wade, another tenant who she finds annoying but attractive.

After a disastrous first week in Bluebell, Zoey is ready to leave and head back to New York. As she is getting ready to leave, she finds out that the old man has left here half of the practice because he was her biological father. She decides to stay because the life she knew in New York was not really what she thought it was.  Over the next several episodes she learns more about her family and slowly adjusts to life in Bluebell.

Since Zoey is a New Yorker, there are interesting medical situations she finds herself in. In one of the first episodes, a kid comes in with a snakebite. She isn’t sure what type of snake bite him and goes in search of the snake. As a result, she ends up getting bitten by the same copperhead. Brick riducles her about this because he knew based on the old house the kid got bite in that it had to have been a copperhead.  Another time tells a patient that he is dying of this rare disease, but in reality, he only has a tick bite.  She slowly learns about ailments that seem to plague a small town.

She also runs into unusual social interacts in her new home. Lavon helps her adjust to her new lifestyle. Lavon invites her to take part in local activities like the Founder’s Day parade. Over time, she learns she needs to take part in local festivals and competitions to learn how to relate to her patients.   She is a little stubborn about some of these changes, like for example who will cut her hair and refusing to make her own gumbo. Over the series, she becomes more and more at home in Bluebell.

So there are many things that I love about Hart of Dixie. First, it is enjoyable watching Zoey transition from the fast pace New York lifestyle to the slower more laid back life in Bluebell. It reminds me of the small town life I remember growing up.  Secondly, it is a medical show like House and Grey’s Anatomy, but it isn’t as depressing or predictable.  House and Grey’s Anatomy, seems to follow the same format every episode where there is a patient who needs help, they almost die, they are healed with a little bit of drama between doctors thrown in.  Hart of Dixie is typically upbeat and there are storylines with many of the characters that are unrelated to medicine. Each episode is about 40-45 minutes long, but it is so easy to sit down and watch several episodes in one day  I also love the characters. Even the characters I hated at the beginning of the series, I start to enjoy their development as the series progresses. It is also fun trying to figure out who Zoey will end up with. Will it be Wade, George, or some other handsome stranger?

The set of Hart of Dixie is very bright and colorful. It looks like a southern wonderland. It’s like if you take all of the southern bridal magazines you see in the checkout line at Micheals and combined different aspects to make the most perfect and cute set. Lemon and Annabeth wear the cutest most colorful clothes which contrast well with Zoey’s contemporary New York style. The playlist of the series is amazing. I also found many great songs on the show like this one:

So if you are in a rut trying to find something new to watch, you should check out Hart of Dixie!

<3 Jamie

Binge Worthy Netflix Series- Lovesick

Netflix Review

As you know, each CraftEaze box comes with a Netflix suggestion.  The May crochet box Netflix suggestion is Lovesick.  This show was originally a British tv show for the first season and then Netflix picked up the series. Netflix has produced two more seasons of this show, with the most recent season being released on New Year’s Day.  My boyfriend and I love to watch this show and typically watch the entire season within a day or so of it being released.

The storyline of the series is Dylan must contact all of his past girlfriends after a doctor’s visit.  This may not sound like a very promising storyline, but trust me it is really an entertaining and relatable show.  There are 3 main characters: Dylan, Evie, and Luke.  Each episode contains a flashback to a past girlfriend of Dylan or an event related to the three main characters (like a friend’s wedding). So instead of giving any spoilers, I’m going to make a top 3 list of things that I love about the show.

1. The Characters

The number one thing I love about this show is the characters. Dylan, Evie, and Luke are relatable and so easy to like. Their friend Angus is hilarious.  You can really see why this group of friends are together and why their friendship is definitely #friendshipgoals. It is also fun seeing how their friendship started and evolved over time.

2. Finding Love and Happiness

This show may not really sound like it will be about finding true love and happiness, but it really is.  Dylan is really a hopeless romantic that is looking for the girl he will spend the rest of his life with., but he just seems to have bad luck when it comes to love. He jumps headfirst into almost every relationship, even if it really isn’t the best fit. Luke is who he is because of a girl in his past that really hurt him.  Evie’s father died when she was young and this has affected who she is.  All of the characters really just want to be happy and the viewer gets the opportunity to watch as they try to find happiness and love.

3. It’s Relatable

The third thing I love about this show is how relatable it actually is. Unlike other shows, the characters all have jobs that a person in their 20s might have (landscaper, app developer, photographer). They also do not live super extravagant lifestyles and almost everyone has roommates. Also unlike other shows that are romantic comedies, everything doesn’t always end up perfectly just like real life.

So these are the 3 reasons why I love the series Lovesick.  Be sure to check it out on Netflix!

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