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Wine Advent Calendar Part 2

Wine Part 2

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So last week we announced our special wine Advent calendar. With the announcement, we included Part 1 of our wine advent calendar. Today we will go over the wines that are perfect for the December 4 – 10.  If you are interested in learning what wines were chosen for December 1-3 visit: Advent Wine Calendar Disappointment.

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This week we will focus on 4 white wines and 3 red wines. Once again the wines listed can be found at Aldi, Walmart, or your local grocery store.  By focusing on these locations we can find affordable wines for almost every budget.

December 4 – Chateau Ste Michelle Reisling

Today’s wine is one of my favorites! The Chateau Ste. Michelle Reisling is my go-to wine to serve with a nice dinner.  It is a Washington Reisling and has a nice peach and pear taste. I wrote an in-depth wine review on this wine earlier this year. You can read it here.

December 5 – Outlander Cabernet Sauvignon

This red wine can be found at Aldi.  It has a flavor that can be described as a berry or cherry with a hint of vanilla. There is a smokey finish with this wine.  This wine would pair well with a steak or turkey pot pie.

December 6 – Flirty Bird Sauvignon Blanc

This wine has a flavor that can be categorized as melon, citrus, and even green apple. It is perfect to drink with dinner particular a poultry dish or seafood.  If you are trying to be healthy, you can even pair this wine with a salad.

December 7 – California Roots Moscato

This wine can only be bought at Target.  I love shopping at Target because they have really cute home decor items and I love their bath towels! The bath towels are so soft and if you go after college starts there are some great sales on the large towels.  So the California Roots Moscato is sweet and is the perfect wine to drink with dessert. It has a peach and melon flavor. I love to drink this wine while watching Netflix.  This wine has also be featured as an in-depth wine review earlier this year. You can read that wine review here.

December 8 – Alamos Malbec

This wine can also be bought at Target.  This red wine is from Argentina and is great to serve with beef.  It has a flavor that could be described as plum or black cherry with cocoa.

December 9 – Apothic Red Blend

This is a sweeter red wine that you can find at Walmart, Target,  and the grocery store.  This wine pairs well with pasta and has hints of black fruit flavors (like cherry and blackberry).

December 10 – Moiselle Moscato Spumante

This is a sparkling wine. Normally, there is no real reason to celebrate a Monday, but not today!  This sparkling wine is perfect to lift up your spirits!  It has a tropical flavor that would pair well with your Monday salad.

Hope you enjoyed Part 2 of our wine advent calendar!

Part 1

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