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Dinosaur Crochet Pattern – A ChatGPT Experiment

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It seems everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days. My husband wanted to see if it could make a crochet pattern. I had very low expectations that it work, but thought it would be a fun experiment!

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So my husband asked ChatGPT to make a dinosaur crochet pattern for our son. I was shocked at how well it turned out even though it doesn’t really look like a dinosaur. I mean it didn’t have a tail, arms, or legs, but it was still adorable. The pattern was easy to follow for the most part, but there were some quirks. The pattern said to put the eyes on after assembling the head to the body, but this wouldn’t be possible if you were using safety eyes (like it requested). I used black yarn for the eyes since this is for our son. I also made one small modification by adding a rattle ball inside the body.


My husband asked ChatGPT to make a dinosaur crochet pattern. It didnt really look like a dinosaur, but it is kinda cute! #crochet #crafting #dinosaur #fyp

♬ You Proof – Morgan Wallen



  • ch = chain
  • sc = single crochet
  • inc = increase (2 sc in same stitch)
  • dec = decrease (sc 2 together)
  • sl st = slip stitch
My “dinosaur” toy



With green yarn, ch 2

Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook (6)

Rnd 2: inc in each st around (12)

Rnd 3: sc, inc around (18)

Rnd 4: 2 sc, inc around (24)

Rnd 5: 3 sc, inc around (30)

Rnd 6-10: sc in each st around (30)

Rnd 11: 3 sc, dec around (24)

Begin stuffing the body

Rnd 12: 2 sc, dec around (18)

Rnd 13: sc, dec around (12)

Finish stuffing the body

Rnd 14: dec around (6)

Fasten off and weave in ends.


With green yarn, ch 2

Rnd 1: 6 sc in second ch from hook (6)

Rnd 2: inc in each st around (12)

Rnd 3: sc, inc around (18)

Rnd 4: 2 sc, inc around (24)

Rnd 5-7: sc in each st around (24)

Rnd 8: 2 sc, dec around (18)

Begin stuffing the head

Rnd 9: sc, dec around (12)

Finish stuffing the head

Rnd 10: dec around (6)

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Spikes (make 8):

With spike color yarn, ch 6

Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, tc in next ch, sl st in last ch

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.


  1. Sew the head onto the body, using the long tail of yarn left from the head.
  2. Attach the safety eyes or use black yarn to embroider the eyes onto the head.
  3. Sew the spikes onto the back of the dinosaur, spacing them evenly apart.

Your crochet toy dinosaur is now complete!

If you enjoyed this pattern, be sure to check out our other plushie patterns:

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