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Binge-Worthy TV – Upload

Upload Amazon Prime

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I have been watching a lot of Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video recently. One of the best things I have watched in the past few weeks in the new Amazon Prime show Upload. I normally pick shows that you can watch on Netflix for these posts, but I really enjoyed this show.

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Upload was created by Greg Daniels. His name may sound familiar, especially if you are a fan of The Office or Parks and Rec like I am. I first heard about this show when he was on The Office Ladies podcast. He mentioned that he was working on this new show for Amazon Prime.

Upload takes place in the future in the United States and you can upload into a virtual afterlife. There are all types of afterlives you can upload to. Lakeview is one of the most expensive and nicest afterlives. Nathan is a programmer in Los Angeles. He seems to have it all, a good relationship with his family, a rich girlfriend (Ingrid), and he is starting a company with his best friend (Jamie). The night of Thanksgiving everything changes. He is in an accident and dies. Just prior to dying, his rich girlfriend talks him into uploading to Lakeview where her family plans to be uploaded

Now, if it wasn’t weird enough that Nathan is dating someone that is much wealthier than him, can you imagine his thoughts of being uploaded to Lakeview where he can spend eternity with Ingrid who he was only dating. When he arrives in Lakeview he meets his angel, Nora. At first, Nora assumes he is just another rich, arrogant, good looking guy. But over time they forge a friendship. Not only does he form a friendship with Nora, but he also becomes friends with some of the other uploads like Luke (an army veteran) and Dylan (a sixth-grader who died unexpectedly on a school trip).

This friendship becomes important to Nora, who is also dealing with a lot in her personal life. Her mother had died several years ago, and her father is dying of cancer. He is not wanting to be uploaded and she is having a hard time accepting that fact. Not only that, but she is also starting to think there is more to Nathan’s death then what meets the eye.

So it is really easy to watch the entire season on a Saturday or Sunday. I rewatched the entire series on Monday. So whether you want to binge the entire season or only watch an episode a night, it is perfect to watch. On May 8, a second season was ordered which is awesome because we are left with several big cliffhangers in the last episode.

If you are looking for another show to binge, check out our other bingeworthy shows:

Have you seen Upload yet? What did you think? What are you binge watching currently? Tell us in the comments below!

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