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The Final Part of 2019 Advent Wine Calendar

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So I have been a little busy the last few weeks due to the holidays and getting my wisdom teeth removed. I am currently laying on the couch recovering, so I figured I might as well do something productive and write about the last few wines in the 2019 CraftEaze Advent Calendar. This list is a little bit longer than the last two lists, but there were several repeats. Be sure to also check out part 1 and part 2 to find out what wines were selected for the first 14 days.

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Day 15 – Mia Sparkling Moscato Rosé

Mia Rose Wine

So I really liked this wine. It was very light and refreshing. It paired very well with the chocolate truffle. This wine was also sparkling, which made it a fun wine to drink. This is definitely a wine I will buy a bottle of in the future.

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Day 16 – Sutter Home Moscato

wine calendar

On December 16, I pulled Sutter Home Moscato again. It is a good budget wine. It is not my favorite Moscato, but it was delicious to drink while I made dinner for my husband and me.

Day 17 – Barefoot Riesling

Cupcakes and wine

December 17 was also a repeat wine day (Barefoot Reisling). I enjoyed this Reisling while making cupcakes for work. My favorite cupcakes were the grinches! I also love my double-decker cupcake pan/carrier that my mom gave me as a wedding shower gift! It made it so easy to carry the cupcakes into work.

CraftEaze Book

Day 18 – Blue Hawaiian Holiday

wine calendar

On December 18, I pulled another cocktail mixer. This time it was the Blue Hawaiian Holiday. I drank this mixer with rum and a little bit of sparkling water. It was good even though I don’t normally drink things that are this color blue.

Day 19 – Barefoot Pink Moscato

December 19 was another repeat wine (Barefoot Pink Moscato). I enjoyed this glass of wine. It was very light and refreshing.

Day 20 – Christmas Caipirinha

So I did not drink day 20 cocktail until December 21st because I was doing a 5K in the morning. I mixed this cocktail mixer with rum. It was interesting to drink this mixer because I have had a Caipirinha in the past made with cachaça that my husband brought back from Brazil. This was right after we started dating. It tasted slightly different since it was made with rum instead of cachaça, but I did enjoy it.

Day 21 – Sutter Home White Zinfandel

Wine Calendar

On December 21, I pulled the final repeat wine of the calendar. This was the Sutter Home white zinfandel. I enjoyed wine, but it wasn’t my favorite wine in the wine calendar.

Day 22 – Mia Sparkling Moscato

The Mia Sparkling Moscato was one of my favorite wines I tried in this calendar. I loved the slight peach flavor that the wine had in addition to the bubbles. It was sweet and was delicious to drink while catching up on some Netflix. I will be looking for a bottle of this wine in the future.

Day 23 – Polar Pina Colada

So I did not drink this mixer. I am not a big fan of coconuts. It is currently in my fridge, so maybe someday I will get the courage to try this mixer.

Day 24 – Risata Moscato d’Asti

Wine Calendar

The final wine of the 2019 CraftEaze Wine Advent Calendar is one of my favorites! This Moscato is light and bubbly. It was very refreshing to drink on Christmas Eve. This wine pairs great with a dessert. This is one of my favorites!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a very happy new year!

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