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DIY Beach Decor Table Decoration

Beachy Table Decoration

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So I have been engaged for almost a month now, and I have started thinking about what type of wedding decor we will have.  Because I have been thinking of decor, I have come up with some cool ideas that might not really work for my wedding but might work for someone else.

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One idea that I came up with was a table decoration for a beach themed wedding.  Now since we live in the middle of Ohio and I grew up in the middle of Missouri a beach theme wedding doesn’t make a lot of sense for my fiance and me.  But I think it is fun to come up with decor ideas for a variety of weddings.

So I was wondering around Pat Catan’s and found this super cute votive candle holder. The candle holder (which you can see below) is the perfect combination of vintage and elegant. I thought this votive holder would look cute for a vintage/rustic wedding, but also a beach wedding.

After I found the holder, I went looking for sand and sea glass/seashells.  I decided to use two different colors of fine sand.  By using the two different colors, I felt it kinda created a look similar to a sand ceremony.  It is always cool watching a sand ceremony. I like watching as the bride and groom pour their uniquely colored sand into a vessel. As they pour the sand, the two colors create a pattern that is unique and the sand cannot be easily separated.

The CraftEaze store has a kit to make 4 of these table decorations. You can find the kit here.


Beach Table Decor Materials
Materials for Project

For this project you will need the following materials:



Step 1) After opening the jars of sand, start off by pouring the white sand first.

White Sand First
Pour the lighter color sand first

Step 2) After adding a layer of white sand, you will then add the accent color and.

Accent Color Sand
Add the accent color

Step 3) Alternate between the white and accent color sand until you have filled the fishbowl approximately 20%.

Layering sands
Layer the sands

Step 4) Gently shake the bowl to mix the sand.

Mix the sands together.
Gently shake the bowl.

Step 5) Press the votive candle holder into the sand.

Press votive candle holder into sand.
Add the votive candle holder.

Step 6) Add the sand glass or seashells around the candle holder.

Sea glass and seashells.
Add sea glass or seashells.

Step 7) Place the candle in the candle holder. The centerpiece is complete!

Add candle to the centerpiece.

The centerpiece is completed. You should be able to get 4 table decorations from the jars of sand.  Hope you enjoyed this project!

Happy Crafting!

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