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Wine Review – Von Wilhelm Haus Riesling Spätlese

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So this month’s wine review once again features a Riesling. Like I said last month, I really enjoy Rieslings. This month’s wine suggestion with the CraftEaze crochet subscription box was Von Wilhelm Haus Riesling Spätlese.

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So I have been eying this bottle for several months now at the grocery store. I was initially drawn by to the bright blue bottle, but the fact it was a Riesling made me want to try this wine.  I finally broke down and bought a bottle while my boyfriend was out of town on vacation for a wine and craft Friday night. And I have got to say, I was not disappointed.

The Von Wilhelm Haus winery is in Mosel, Germany.  So it is a German Reisling. This wine is a sweeter Riesling, which makes it well suited for dinner and as a sipping wine while relaxing on the couch. When I sip this wine, I taste a slight apple flavor.  This wine would be delicious with a Cajun blackened chicken or shrimp dinner.  The other thing I love about this wine is that it’s very reasonably priced. I bottle the bottle for less the $10 at my local ACME.

This wine bottle will also be great for crafts.  Due to the color, you could insert a string of fairy string lights inside (such as these).  Below is a picture of a wine bottle that I inserted the fairy string lights into. This would be beautiful on a fireplace mantle or on a gift table at a wedding. This is also a super easy gift to make for a friend, family member, or coworker.

Here is an example of a wine bottle were I inserted lights inside.

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